Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hi! love my videos?I will download more!

funny cats!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

funny cat

sing to the dawn

snow in the sahara

Hello,today I am going to talk about my daddy: my daddy always buy for me and my sister toys .Did u know what my daddy bought for me on my birthday?a tent club house!I love him.I love my mummy!

Monday, November 10, 2008

funny baby! so cute!


My subject based banding :

I want my maths to be in foundation .Me and my mum talk about it last night and we agreed to it as there were not much choices.I am weak at it.what can I say?
hello!I am nurfaela k I love my mummy she cooks the best curry ever! every time during dinner I eat alot.My mother said is not good to eat to much curry but still I eat it but my siter,she is very stingy about food!everything that she dont like she say no!but I am different!